Create VNC Server in RHEL 7

Steps to Install VNC Server in RHEL 7 -----

Prerequisites -----

>RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 Bit 64 OS running on physical / VM machine
>YUM Server configured properly on RHEL 7
Note :-  To install YUM server on RHEL 7, Follow the following document.
>VNC Ports are open in Firewall to access server remotely.
>Disable Iptables / Selinux seating 

VNC Server Installation and configuration with YUM repository-----

> Loging to rhel7 server with root user or use sudo rights.

>use yum command to install vnc server.
Note :- RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 installable packages comes with "Tiger VNC"server and viewer.
Command:- #yum install vnc*      

Press "y" to start installation.

>Once the installation finish. run the following command to enable vncserver.
Command:-#vncserver                             ----- This command enable Remote desktop vnc

Give the vnc password and verify password first time for secured access.

>Access the rhel 7 server from remote machine with the help of vnc viewer application with the following configuration.

Note :- 

localhost.localdomain ---- You can put server ip in the viewer
 1                                   ----- This is Port number

To access the server from remotely you need to specify following parameters in vnc viewer application.

E.g :-    ------ <First server IP>:<Port No>



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