Mount Linux DVD in Run level 3

Mount Linux DVD in Run level 3 ( init 3 ) -----

Prerequisites -----

> Make sure  CentOS 6 / RHEL 6  DVD mounted in physical / Virtual DVD drive.
> Loging to the linux server with root user or use sudo rights.

Steps to access Linux DVD in Run level 3 -----

> Create local directory in /media directory.
Command :- #mkdir /media/dvd          ----- I have created "dvd" name directory in /media directory.

> Now we will actually mount Linux DVD with /media/dvd directory.
Command :- #mount -t  iso9660 /dev/dvd /media/dvd   ----- mounting dvd to /media/dvd local directory

/dev/dvd  or dvd1  ----- Linux device driver directory and file.
iso9660                   ----- This is file system commonly used by optical disc
-t                             ----- Use this option to specify type of the file system

If you get above mount error screen do the following changes in the command.

Note :-  /dev directory have dvd and dvd1 or cdrom and cdrom1 files. Some physical / Virtual servers are used dvd1or cdrom1 file to mount linux dvd.

Command :- #mount -t  iso9660 /dev/dvd1 /media/dvd

Now the Linux DVD is mounted in /media/dvd local directory with read-only permission.

Unmount DVD -----

>  To remove Linux DVD from /media/dvd local directory. Type the following command.
Command :- #cd /             ----- Go to / directory
                      #umount /media/dvd  ----- Unmount Linux dvd from /media/dvd local directory.

