Create Network Bridge Ethernet.

Create Network Bridge Ethernet.

Configuration Steps.

> Run ifcfg command in console to check the physical Ethernet card and IP address.

Command: #ifconfig | less

eth0 :- Physical Ethernet card of the server and IP address configured with this card.

> Create Bridge Ethernet with name br0.

Command: #cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/            ----- Go to network-scripts directory

                   #cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-br0                ----- Copy eth0 file to br0

> Edit ifcfg-br0 file and change the configuration settings. ( I have marked Yellow color for edited configuration )

Command: #vi ifcfg-br0

:wq        ----- Save the file and exit.

> Edit ifcfg-eth0 file and change the configuration settings. ( I have marked Yellow color for edited configuration )

Command: #vi ifcfg-eth0

 :wq      ----- Save and exit

> Restart Network

Command: #service network restart

> Run the command ifconfig to check the bridge network

Command: #ifconfig

br0 :- This is bridge network Ethernet.

Bridge Network is ready to use now.


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