Create Kikstart Boot disk to start customize linux installation.

Create Kikstart Boot disk to start customize linux installation.

Type 1

Create small boot .iso and pass the Kikstart installation parameters -----

Note:- This type of installation is useful to boot linux installation using kikstart file from FTP/ NFS / HTTP server.

Prerequisites -----

> One CentOS 6 / RHEL 6 running machine / VM in the lab.
> Linux Installation media / .iso file
> One HTTP linux repository server. ( We can use FTP or NFS server also. )

Steps to create bootable disk for Kikstart file-----

Mount / Insert CentOS 6 DVD in DVD Drive on existing linux machine and copy isolinux directory contains to local directory.

Command :- #mkdir /centos65             ------ Create one local directory in / partition.
                   #cd /media/<linux installable directory>/isolinux    ----- Connect to linux DVD and go to isolinux directory.
                   #cp -avr ./* /centos65      ------ Copy all the contains of isolinux directory to /centos65 local directory.

> Go to /centos65 local directory
Command :- #cd /centos65

> Give the write user permission to isolinux.cfg file.
Command :- #chmod u+w isolinux.cfg  ----- isolinux.cfg file is the part of /centos65 directory. Make sure you are in /centos65 directory before running chmod command.

> Edit the isolinux.cfg file. and do the changes as per your project requirement. I have done some following changes in the file.
Command :- #vi isolinux.cfg

Eg: -

timeout  5000
menu label ^CentOS 6.5 Installation with KVM and Cloudstack agent
append initrd=initrd.img ks= ip= netmask= gateway= ksdevice:eth0

:wq < Save the file and exit >


> Now go to / < exit from /centos65 directory >
Command :- #cd /

> Create .iso file from /centos65 directory

Command :- #mkisofs -o centos65-ks-Static.iso -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -v –T centos65/

Note :- Centos65-ks-Static.iso --- I have given new .iso file name in mkisofs command. 

Client machine configuration.

Boot Client machine from centos65-ks-static.iso file for kiskstart installation.


Type 2 

Create Customize Linux boot .iso file with kikstart instructions -----

Note:- This type of installation is useful to start customized linux installation from linux bootable cd. Kikstart file automatically install linux customize packages.

Prerequsites -----

> One CentOS 6 / RHEL 6 running machine / VM in the lab.
> Linux Installation media / .iso file

 Steps to create Linux customize disk with Kikstart file -----
Mount / Insert CentOS 6 DVD in DVD Drive on existing linux machine and copy all the dvd   contains to local directory.

Command :- #mkdir /centos65             ------ Create one local directory in / partition.
                   #cd /media/<linux installable directory>   ----- Connect to linux DVD and go to linux installable directory.
                   #cp -avr ./* /centos65      ------ Copy all the contains of linux installable directory to /centos65 local directory.

> Copy isolinux directory files to /centos65 local directory.
Command :- #cd /centos65/isolinux   ----- Go to isolinux directory.
                       #cp -avr ./* /centos65    ----- Copy isolinux directory contains to /centos65 local directory.
                       #rm -fr ./isolinux            ----- Remove isolinux directory from /centos65 local directory.

> Copy kikstart configuration file in /centos65 local directory
Command :- #cp -rv /kvm-ks.cfg /centos65  ----- I have created kikstart file (kvm-ks.cfg) on / directory which now I am copied to /centos65 directory.

Note :- We can also copy other application .rpm files in /centos65/Packages directory.
To build the kikstart configuration file follow the following URL:-
> Give the write user permission to isolinux.cfg file.
Command :- #chmod u+w isolinux.cfg  ----- isolinux.cfg file is the part of /centos65 directory. Make sure you are in /centos65 directory before running chmod command.

> Edit the isolinux.cfg file. and do the changes as per your project requirement. I have done some following changes in the file.
Command :- #vi isolinux.cfg

Eg: -

timeout  2000
append initrd=initrd.img linux ks=cdrom:/kvm-ks.cfg

:wq < Save the file and exit >

 > Edit the kvm-ks.cfg file and pass the Linux dvd installation parameters in kikstart configuration file.
Command :- #vi /centos65/kvm-ks.cfg               ----- Edit kikstart configuration file in /centos65 directory.
#Use CD ROM Installation

:wq  ----- Save and exit

Note :-  Remove network installation path from the file.            

> Now go to / < exit from /centos65 directory >
Command :- #cd /

> Copy .treeinfo and .discinfo files in /centos65 directory.
Command :- #cp -avr /media/<Cent Os DVD>/.treeinfo /centos65
                      #cp -avr /media/<Cent Os DVD>/.discinfo /centos65

> Create .iso file from /centos65 directory

Command :- #mkisofs -o centos65-ks-CDROM.iso -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -v –T centos65/

Note :- Centos65-ks-CDROM.iso --- I have given new .iso file name in mkisofs command.

Client machine configuration.

Boot Client machine from centos65-ks-CDROM.iso file for kiskstart installation.



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